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   A. A child support computation form shall be signed by the judge and
   incorporated as a part of all orders which establish or modify a child
   support obligation.
   B. When services are not being provided under the Department of Human
   Services State IV-D plan pursuant to Section 237 of Title 56 of the
   Oklahoma Statutes, a support order summary form shall be prepared and
   filed with all orders which establish paternity or establish or modify
   support orders. For orders established or modified in district court,
   the clerk of the court shall forward a copy of the support order
   summary form to the Central Case Registry.
   C. A standard agreed order form shall be used by all parents for any
   agreements submitted to the court for approval as a part of the
   informal review and adjustment process provided in Section 118 of this
   D. The forms shall be prepared by the Department of Human Services and
   shall be published by the Administrative Office of the Courts.

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