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   Except when a sale is made pursuant to Section 239 of this title, the
   executor or administrator, after making any sale of real property,
   must file a sworn return of his proceedings in the court. The court
   must fix the day for the hearing of such return, and give at least ten
   (10) days' notice thereof by one publication in a
   newspaper in each county in which any part of the real property sold
   is situated and in the county where the order was made, and by mailing
   a copy of said notice to all heirs, legatees and devisees of the
   decedent whose addresses are known, which notice must briefly describe
   the real property sold, the sum for which it was sold and the name of
   the purchaser, and must refer to the return for further particulars.
   Upon the hearing, the court must examine the return and witnesses in
   relation to the same, and if the proceedings were unfair, or the sum
   bid disproportionate to the value, and if it appears that a sum
   exceeding such bid at least ten percent (10%), exclusive of the
   expenses of a new sale, may be obtained, the court may vacate the sale
   and direct another to be had, of which notice must be given, and the
   sale in all respects conducted as if no previous sale had taken place;
   if an offer of ten percent (10%) more in amount than that named in the
   return be made to the court in writing, by a responsible person, it is
   in the discretion of the court to accept such offer and confirm the
   sale to such person or to order a new sale.

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