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   Library systems are hereby authorized and empowered to receive and
   allocate funds for establishment, development and maintenance of
   library facilities and services through special library tax levies as
   hereinafter provided and other funds, including appropriations from
   city, town and county general funds, state and federal grants-in-aid,
   and other public and private funds. All such funds received and
   appropriated may be used for library services throughout the library
   (a) The governing boards of cities, towns, counties, and library
   systems established by vote of the people, as authorized, may submit
   to a vote of the people special tax levies of any tax or taxes which
   are or may be authorized for levying in and by cities, towns, counties
   and library system districts.
   (b) The initial financing of any library system established under this
   act shall be approved by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries Board.

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