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   The appointing authority in each agency of each branch of state
   government is responsible for affirmative action efforts and progress;
   provided, he or she may employ or assign a person to assist the agency
   in affirmative action and equal opportunity subject to the following
   1. Any state agency with two hundred or more full-time-equivalent
   employees shall designate an individual as an affirmative action
   officer. This provision shall not require the hiring of additional
   2. The affirmative action officer shall report directly to the
   appointing authority. Nothing in this section shall prevent the
   appointment or resignation of assistants to affirmative action
   officers in agencies as the appointing authority deems appropriate for
   the implementation of agency affirmative action plans and objectives;
   3. The affirmative action officer shall be knowledgeable of federal
   and state civil rights and equal opportunity legislation and
   regulations, of current social and economic conditions and
   inter-relationships of majority and minority groups, of grievance
   investigation and interviewing techniques and of report writing. Any
   person designated as an affirmative action officer shall meet the
   minimum qualifications and pass all examination requirements as
   established by the Office of Personnel Management.

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