Oklahoma Public Legal Research System

Sponsored by the OU College of Law and the OBA Family Law Section
Patrick Sweeney passed away Thursday November 7, 2023. Patrick had dedicated the last 26 years to updating and maintaining Oklahoma Public Legal Research databases.
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The developers of this system do not warrant the correctness of the information contained in this system. The "official" versions of the Oklahoma statutes, decisions and other law-related information are available from commercial publishers and online services such as West Group, Lexis-Nexis, Law Office Information Systems, etc.

Database Menu: Use Menu to select database

Enter maximum number of hits to retrieve: Return:

Opinion numbers are expressed as YY-NNN: ie 82-079


using Oklahoma Statutes as an example -
How to find all references to 'medical records' -
Enter: medical NEAR "record*"

using Court of Criminal Appeals as an example -
How to find cases reviewed involving 'armed robbery with a gun' -
Enter: armed NEAR robbery AND (firearm OR gun OR weapon)

For information on this site contact:
Kenton Brice, Director of the Law Library at University of Oklahoma College of Law

Document Accessed: 767562 times.