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Section XXVIII-3: Enactment of laws by Legislature - Indiscriminate sales to licensed wholesale distribution.

    The Legislature shall enact laws providing for the strict
regulation, control, licensing, and taxation of the manufacture,
sale, distribution, possession, and transportation of alcoholic
beverages, consistent with the provisions of this Amendment.
Provided, that any manufacturer, or subsidiary of any manufacturer
who markets his product solely through a subsidiary or subsidiaries,
a distiller, rectifier, bottler, winemaker, brewer, or importer of
alcoholic beverages, bottled or made in a foreign country, either
within or without this state, shall be required to sell such brands
or kinds of alcoholic beverages to every licensed wholesale
distributor who desires to purchase the same, on the same price basis
and without discrimination, and shall further be required to sell
such beverages only to those distributors licensed as wholesale
distributors.  Winemakers either within or without this state shall
be required to sell wine they produce to every licensed wholesale
distributor who desires to purchase the wine, but winemakers shall
not be required to sell the wine they produce only to licensed
wholesale distributors.  Winemakers may sell wine produced at the
winery to consumers on the premises of the winery.  All laws passed
by the Legislature under the authority of the Article shall be
consistent with this provision.

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