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   The drug court program may be utilized as a disciplinary sanction for
   a violation of a condition of parole related to substance abuse for
   eligible offenses, or in a case where the offender has been tried for
   an eligible offense in the traditional manner, given either a deferred
   or suspended sentence, and has violated a condition of the sentence.
   The judge shall not order an offender into treatment within the scope
   of any drug court program without prior approval from the designated
   drug court team, or the district attorney if no team is designated.
   Any judge having a criminal case assigned where drug court processing
   appears to be more appropriate for the offender, may request a review
   of the case by the drug court team, or if no team is designated, a
   review by the district attorney and the defense attorney. If both the
   district attorney and the defense attorney or offender agree, the case
   may be transferred to the drug court program with the approval of a
   designated drug court judge. After a case has been transferred to the
   drug court docket, it shall continue with the designated drug court
   judge until the offender is revoked or released from the program. The
   offenders whose cases have been transferred from a traditional
   criminal case docket to the drug court docket shall be required to
   have a drug court investigation and complete the drug court process
   prior to placement in any treatment program authorized by this act.

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