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   Every manufacturer of alcoholic beverages other than beer shall
   package, ship, store and deliver same in cases, and no alcoholic
   beverage other than beer shall be sold, shipped, stored or delivered
   by any such manufacturer except in sealed cases. Every manufacturer of
   alcoholic beverages other than beer shall serially number such cases
   on the end of the case where the brand and product are identified. All
   such cases shall be sealed by tape or such other method as the
   Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission by rules and
   regulations may provide so that the contents of such cases cannot be
   removed without breaking or destroying such seal. It shall be unlawful
   for any person to remove the alcoholic beverage contents of a case so
   sealed without breaking or destroying such seal. No wholesaler or
   Class B wholesaler shall receive or accept any alcoholic beverages
   other than beer in this state except in sealed cases so numbered. Any
   holder of a license or permit violating the provisions of this section
   shall be subject to revocation or suspension of his license.

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