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A. The durable power of attorney may show or state:
1. The fact of execution under the provisions of the Uniform Durable
Power of Attorney Act;
2. The time and conditions under which the power is to become
3. The extent and scope of the powers conferred; and
4. Who is to exercise the power, including any successor
attorney-in-fact if a prior appointed attorney-in-fact dies, ceases to
act, refuses or is unable to serve, or resigns.
B. The power may grant complete or limited authority with respect to
the principal's:
1. Person, including, but not limited to, health and medical care
decisions and a do-not-resuscitate consent on the principal's behalf,
but excluding:
a. the execution, on behalf of the principal, of a Directive to
Physicians, an Advance Directive for Health Care, Living Will, or
other document purporting to authorize life-sustaining treatment
decisions, and
b. the making of life-sustaining treatment decisions unless the power
complies with the requirements for a health care proxy under the
Oklahoma Rights of the Terminally Ill or Persistently Unconscious Act
or the Oklahoma Do-Not-Resuscitate Act; and
2. Property, including homestead property, whether real, personal,
intangible or mixed.
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