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   To make the appraisement, the judge must appoint three disinterested
   persons, any two of whom may act, who are entitled to receive a
   reasonable compensation for their services, not to exceed Seventy-five
   Dollars ($75.00) per day, except upon order of the court. The
   appraisers must, with the inventory, file a verified account of their
   services and disbursements. If any part of the estate is in any other
   county, the same appraisers may proceed to view and appraise the same,
   or other appraisers in that county may be appointed to perform that
   duty, by the judge of the district court of the county in which the
   letters were issued, as he may deem best; and the like report must be
   made in each case direct to the district court of the county which
   issued the letters.

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