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The district court shall establish a date upon which all petitions for
the approval of deeds to lands inherited by full-blood Indians shall
be heard which date shall be at least twice per month. At a hearing
the court shall take the testimony of disinterested parties to
establish the value of the lands to be conveyed, and may in its
discretion call in any United States probate attorney as counsel for
grantor. The attendance of the grantor or any other person to testify
in such matters may be required in like manner as if his testimony
were to be heard in a civil action. The court may decline to approve
any deed when in his judgment the price is not commensurate with his
fair judgment and the grantor is not an heir of deceased. Provided,
the district court may authorize the sale and conveyance of any such
land for cash or one-fourth (1/4) cash and the balance in yearly
payments of one-fourth (1/4) each, with interest on such deferred
payments at the rate of not less than six percent (6%) per annum;
Provided further, that in all sales upon deferred payments such
payments shall be secured by first mortgage upon the lands conveyed.
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