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On the date and at the place specified in the notice for the sale of
said oil and gas or other mineral lease, said administrator, executor,
or guardian shall offer said lease for sale at public auction and sell
the same to the highest bidder for cash, and shall thereupon file a
return of sale showing the land upon which said lease was sold, the
term of years thereof, the name of the purchaser, and the amount for
which the same was sold, and attach to the return a copy of the form
of lease proposed to be executed, which return shall thereupon,
without further notice, be heard by the district court, and if the
court finds that said sale was properly conducted as herein provided,
and that the price bid for said lease was not disproportionate to the
value thereof, said sale shall be confirmed and said administrator,
executor or guardian authorized and directed to execute and deliver
said lease, and when said lease is executed the judge of the district
court shall endorse his approval thereon.
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