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Section IX-30: Greater charge for less distance.
No transportation or transmission company shall charge or
receive any greater compensation, in the aggregate, for
transporting the same class of passengers or property, or for
transmitting the same class of messages, over a shorter than a
longer distance, along the same line and in the same direction -
the shorter being included in the longer distance; but this
section shall not be construed as authorizing any such company to
charge or receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a
longer distance. The Commission may, from time to time,
authorize any such company to disregard the foregoing provisions
of this section, by charging such rates as the Commission may
prescribe as just and equitable between such company and the
public, to or from any junctional or competitive points or
localities, or where the competition of points located without
this State may make necessary the prescribing of special rates
for the protection of the commerce of this State; but this
section shall not apply to mileage tickets, or to any special
excursion, or commutation rates, or to special rates for services
rendered to this State, or to the United States, or in the
interest of some public object, when such tickets or rates shall
have been prescribed or authorized by the Commission.
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